NHJC & Company Chartered Accountants

Our Services

Audit & Assurance

The experienced teams at NHJC have handled wide range of assignments involving audits of financials statements under Indian GAAP, assisting management on Internal Controls over Financial Reporting, audit under taxation & other laws.

Audit & Assurance

Statutory Audit

Providing independent verification that a company's financial statements comply with statutory requirements.

Tax Audit

Auditing tax returns, filings, and obligations of individuals or companies to verify reporting accuracy and identify potential tax deficiencies.

Internal Audit

Assessing and analyzing the internal controls, governance, and risk management processes of an organization through focused audits.

Concurrent Audit

Ongoing, regular audits conducted simultaneously with operations to identify control gaps and deficiencies in real-time.

Transfer Pricing Audit

Reviewing transfer pricing policies and documentation to ensure arm's length transactions between affiliated entities.

Special Purpose Audits

Targeted audit with defined scope to assess a specific function, process or unit within an organization.

IFC Reporting & CARO Reporting

Evaluating the adequacy of internal financial controls and auditing compliance with corporate law requirements on financial reporting, accounting records, auditing standards, and governance.

Revenue, Stock & Receivables Audit

Verifying accuracy of revenue recognition, inventory, accounts receivable through inspection of supporting records and documentation.

Limited Review

Focused review of specific financial statement accounts and disclosures less in scope than a full audit.

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